
The Faith program aims to have Knights grow in faith and build a strong parish and Church. It will aid priests and religious in formation, honor Mary, mother of God, and engage in serious spiritual reflections and religious education activities. It has the following activities:

a. Refund Support Vocations Program (RSVP): Support our seminarians and postulants financially and spiritually. As the strong right arm of the church, the Knights of Columbus are committed to providing moral, financial, and spiritual support to future priests and religious at all stages of their formation.
b. Into the Breach: Deepen members’ spirituality and formation to combat the crisis of religious faith in our world through instituting men’s study groups to read the Apostolic Exhortation Into the Breach and use copies of the Into the Breach Booklet (#340) as a resource.
c. Spiritual Reflection: Create annual opportunities for prayer and reflection together as a fraternity. Under the guidance of their chaplain, councils can attend a retreat or day of reflection together or perhaps organize their own event for the men of their parish.
d. Holy Hour Adoration: Encourage deep personal encounters with God. Holy Hours feature the exposition and benediction of the Blessed Sacrament and can also include a reflection, communal rosary, prayers for intercession by Blessed Michael McGivney or St. Joseph, and other devotions. Eucharistic Processions provide an opportunity to walk with the Blessed Sacrament through your community, bringing Jesus to everyone along the route.

This program currently needs a chairman and activity leaders. Please contact Deputy Grand Knight Kaz Cisowski,