
Community Programs call the Knights to serve others. Our first principle is Charity – at home with our families and in our communities. When Knights come together as one through their council and parish, we accomplish great things.

a. Coats for Kids: Provide the gift of warmth to children during cold winter months. The goal of the Coats for Kids program is to ensure that no child in North America goes without a coat during the winter season.
b. Global Wheelchair Mission: Change the lives of people with disabilities worldwide. This initiative provides aid to those who lack the freedom of mobility in our communities and around the world.
c. Habitat for Humanity: Build homes with families in need. Councils are asked to donate a minimum of $1,000 or 200 service hours to Habitat for Humanity projects in their community.
d. Helping Hands: The Helping Hands program is designed to care for the most disadvantaged members of our communities — the homeless, the addicted, the elderly who may feel isolated and abandoned, and many others. (Kevin Farrell – Leader)

Kevin Farrell is currently the chairman. Activity leaders are needed. Please contact Kevin Farrell or Deputy Grand Knight Kaz Cisowski,